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Chatty TV time

Chatty TV time

Your child’s favourite TV show can be a great thing to talk about and share. TV time doesn’t have to be something your child does quietly on their own. It can be a good way to get them chatting about something they like.

Sit down together and watch your child’s favourite show. Try asking questions like:

  • “Why is this your favourite show?”
  • “What’s happening?”
  • “What do you think will happen next?”
  • “Who’s your favourite character?”

Talk about how it makes both of you feel. Does it make you laugh or make you feel sad? How do you think the characters are feeling? This is a good way of helping your child learn about feelings.

If you watch the show regularly, you can share jokes and predictions about the characters.

See if there are ways to relate the show to real life. For example, if there are animals in the show, are they animals you see in real life?

Your child will be excited to share the things they enjoy with you because you’re an important person in their life. When used in the right way, TV can be a useful learning tool for children.

Good to know

By watching TV shows together and talking about them, you are helping your child make connections with the world around them.